Sunday, July 31, 2005

How Harry Met Sally Pt.2: Recap and Wrap Up

Aaah! I tried to reread my last post and realized how painfully long, unwitty, and *BLAH* it was. *BLAH* in fact describes it quite nicely.
So, to save you from having to read it, here's a quick recap: DQ meets P. DQ introduces me to P. P hits on DQ. Time passes, P loses interest and starts hitting on me instead while DQ's interest piques. I hide it from DQ.

Now, the rest of the story: Time passes. I go away for 2 weeks, P hits on DQ again. I come back, hell breaks loose. Confrontations abound. Healing, time passes. I finally start a relationship with P. 5 months pass. we break up and stop speaking for 2 months, then get back together. 1 year passes. We break up, stop speaking for 5 months, then get back together. almost 3 more years pass, we're still together.

So that's the story. I'll share some anecdotes of our relationship eventually, like when I have nothing else on my mind to banter about, but for now that's it.

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